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The Vision
It is a learning and training system that allows you to improve your Vision, Attention, Memory and Body Movement, among many other things.
Everyone who wants and needs to enhance their Visual Abilities and Cognitive Skills!
We have children, youth, adults and seniors (as well as people with neurological problems) all over the world using the Vision Sticks Method in all areas of life.
The versatility of the Instrument and the Method allows it to be of great impact for:
Motor Rehabilitation
Sports Medicine
High Performance
Vestibular Rehabilitation
Why Vision Sticks Method ?

Vision, Memory, Attention, Focus, Reaction, Anticipation, Inhibition... and more!

Surely you know these words, they are "Higher Cognitive Functions" or "Mental Capacities" that we wear out and lose throughout our days if we do not "Activate" them frequently, or rather if we do not "Train" them!
The Method
The Method

The Vision Sticks Method is a novel, powerful yet simple tool.
Specifically created to enhance your Vision and Attention levels for greater modulation of Cognitive Functions and Professional/Sports Performance.

It is specifically created to improve your visual abilities, your levels of attention and focus, your working memory, your inhibition capacity, your decision-making, your fine motor control, enhance Cognitive functions and lower stress levels of the Human Brain... in a few words to improve your quality of life.

The Method is based on the activation power of Vision and everything that triggers the input of visual information to the CNS, we create conscious exercises that enhance the search for sensory stimuli and modulate a better Attention and Information Processing Speed ​​to decide better and move more accurately.
Fifteen minutes of daily training could change the way you relate to the world, raise the quality of your attention, perceive better and faster everything that happens in your environment.

The Vision Sticks Method is based on the "conscious stimulation" of the sensory information necessary for the activation, mediation and neural modulation of the Nervous System.
In simple words I feel, I perceive, I act or I see, I understand and I move what is specifically called the Perceptual Motor Cycle*
Image of What is Visual Attention for?
What is Visual Attention for?
It improves our quality of appreciating with clarity and sharpness everything that happens within the visual field and analysing it properly, transforming it into Cognitivity.
Image of Visual Abilities
Visual Abilities
Are a set of eye skills that improve the search, collection, reception and appreciation of external information, accelerating the speed of processing, perception, motor anticipation and decision-making... The more powerful these skills are, the better the athlete's performance...
Image of Sports Vision Training
Sports Vision Training
Sports Vision training is dedicated to maximising sports performance by improving binocular gaze accuracy, hand-eye and foot-eye coordination, reaction time, peripheral awareness, single and multiple object tracking, motor planning, decision making and information processing speed.
Image of Reaction Time
Reaction Time
Reaction time describes the time interval between an external signal and the reaction to it. Unlike reflexes, where information reaches the muscle directly from the spinal cord without involving the brain, reactions must be processed first. It is then that the brain decides whether the stimulus is important enough to respond and how to do so in the most effective way.
Image of Decision making
Decision making
Decision making in sports involves analyzing game situations, anticipating opponent's moves, and adapting strategies as needed. By improving decision making skills, athletes can make more informed choices, perform at their best, and achieve their goals on the field or court.
Image of Cognitive Funtions
Cognitive Funtions
Cognitive functions or cognition are the mental processes that enable us to process information and adapt to the world around us. In other words, they enable us to receive, select, transform, process and retrieve information when necessary.
Image of Vision is the source of Attention
Vision is the source of Attention
The neural processes that control Vision activate and enhance Mental Attention.
Vision Sticks
Vision Sticks
Image of  You can raise the potential of your sensory neurons and activate your Brain in just 5 minutes of training...
You can raise the potential of your sensory neurons and activate your Brain in just 5 minutes of training...
Created to improve your Visual Abilities
Image of  Enhance your vision to achieve better sports performance.
Enhance your vision to achieve better sports performance.
Take advantage of 100% of your skills, to be a professional player
Image of  Raise your concentration to the maximum, without losing any detail of the information that surrounds us.
Raise your concentration to the maximum, without losing any detail of the information that surrounds us.
Stay focused throughout your workout
Designed to apply
Healthcare professionals
The Method accompanies the improvement of the mental and physical health of the patient, creating an integral system for the rehabilitation and Return To Play of all athletes.Also Parkinson/Alzehimer/Dementia
Accompanying the athlete in each phase of technical and physical development is combined with a perfect interpretation of our context, thanks to the Vision and Cognition necessary for each specific sport.
The Athlete wants to overcome his limits and knows that "the detail makes the difference". We provide tools and exercises to avoid mediocrity. The Anticipation and Speed of Decision Making is born from a great Vision of the word
Sport psychology is going through a phase of exponential growth, we want the Method to be able to help you with innovative and flexible tools to be able to apply them in all sports.
Sticks Community
Beauty and Complexity of the Human Brain
The brain is fascinating and unique. Greg Gunn and Brian Edwards created ‘Self Reflected’, an artwork that visualises brain activity through micro-edges that reflect light. This work shows how information travels through a network of neurons, representing the complexity of human consciousness.
See More
Research ‘High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) improves the Brain Performance
" Cognitive VS Mental Training"
Vision Training reduces indices of concussions in American Football
How Our Brain Deciphers Gaze Direction
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