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Terms & Conditions
The general terms and conditions (hereinafter the "terms and conditions") described below shall apply to the navigation of the internet site www.vision-sticks.com (hereinafter the "WEBSITE" when referring to the internet website) and the services offered therein.
The laws of the Republic of Argentina shall apply to the terms and conditions for all legal effects that may arise. Any natural or legal person wishing to contract the services of VISION STICKS (hereinafter referred to as "THE COMPANY") must register on the WEBSITE and will be referred to hereinafter as "USER". However, the USER is understood to be both registered users and visitors to the WEBSITE. The user must read, understand and accept ALL the conditions set out in the Terms and Conditions of THE COMPANY, prior to registration as a member of the WEBSITE. Whoever makes use of the site accepts the conditions of service and is subject to them. Any person who does not accept these general Terms and Conditions, which are mandatory and binding, should refrain from using the site and/or the services. 

The Terms and Conditions may be replaced or modified at any time at the sole discretion of THE COMPANY, and Users are not required to give their consent. For ongoing transactions that have commenced prior to such modifications, the terms and conditions in effect at the time of their conclusion shall survive, unless the new modifications introduced would be more convenient for the User. THE COMPANY will place a notice on the WEBSITE alerting Users of these changes for a reasonable period of time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Users are responsible for reading these Terms and Conditions each time they access the WEBSITE to see if they have been modified.

THE COMPANY reserves the right to interrupt, suspend or modify at any time the services offered on this WEBSITE, either permanently or temporarily. Users' consent shall not be required, nor shall any prior notice be necessary. Access to the WEBSITE is not guaranteed by THE COMPANY. Notwithstanding the above, if the aforementioned suspension or interruption is not due to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, THE COMPANY undertakes to fulfil the services that were pending at the time of the suspension or interruption. THE COMPANY does not guarantee that the WEBSITE is free of viruses or any other element that could damage or alter the normal functioning of a computer. It is the sole responsibility and obligation of the USER to have the appropriate tools to detect, disinfect and/or prevent any type of element and/or possible damage of this nature.

The purchase of any product published on the WEBSITE will only take place through the completion of a registration procedure by the USER. Registration will involve the creation of an exclusive browsing profile, which will allow the USER access to a restricted personal area, as well as the execution of specific activities and participation in loyalty programmes. When registering, the USER undertakes to provide true and updated information about himself/herself and his/her legal guardian, if under 18 (eighteen) years of age, as well as to keep such information up to date. The USER, therefore, will be able to view and change his/her registration data at any time by accessing his/her personal restricted area. During registration, the USER will express his/her express consent to the Terms and Conditions of Use of the WEBSITE, by means of an electronic validation procedure. The USER will receive an e-mail message confirming their registration on the WEBSITE. In the event that the USER does not agree with the Terms and Conditions of Use of the WEBSITE, it will not be possible for the USER to carry out the activities inherent to the exclusive browsing profiles. The USER may register his/her e-mail address on a list of contacts interested in receiving e-mails containing information and news (newsletters). The USER may unsubscribe from the newsletter mailing list at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the body of the newsletter itself. During the registration process, the USER must create a personal, non-transferable and confidential password. This password must contain a minimum of 6 characters, including letters, numbers and special characters, and must be difficult to guess, so it is not advisable to use sequences of letters and numbers, names of close relatives and/or special dates. The USER must be responsible for the security of his/her password, and must change it immediately if he/she knows or suspects that it has been discovered by a third party. In the event that the USER forgets his/her password, he/she may request the sending of his/her password to his/her registered e-mail address, in the item "I have forgotten my password". The USER may subsequently cancel his/her registration, at any time, by accessing his/her restricted personal area, in the item "Cancellation of registration". In possible cases of breach of civil and/or criminal liability, USERS who violate these Terms of Use will be treated independently.

In order to use the WEBSITE services, it is necessary to have the legal capacity to contract. Those who do not have legal capacity, those who have been suspended or disqualified, or minors may not access the services. Parents, guardians or persons responsible for minors or incapable persons who use the WEBSITE shall be responsible for such use, including any charges, invoicing or damages arising therefrom.

In order to request the services offered on the WEBSITE, users must provide certain personal data (name and surname, address, e-mail account, identity document) which will be incorporated into a database within the scope of Law 25.326 in force in the Argentine Republic. The data referring to credit cards are encrypted, thus ensuring that they are kept in total confidentiality and cannot be seen by other people. By registering on the WEBSITE and forming part of the General Customer Base, USERS accept that THE COMPANY may contact them by post, telephone or e-mail to send information that THE COMPANY considers, at its sole discretion, may be of interest to them, including advertising and information on offers and promotions. In the event that USERS do not wish to be contacted for these purposes, they may express this in writing to THE COMPANY, who will proceed to discontinue this type of communication as soon as possible.

The WEBSITE may use a tracking system by means of "Cookies", so that access to information, when moving from page to page, is faster. It also helps, in some cases, to identify users without having to ask them for their password over and over again. These cookies are small files sent by the page visited and are stored on the computer's hard disk, taking up little space. Users are informed that by using their browser options they can limit or restrict, as they wish, the hosting of these "cookies", although it is not advisable to restrict them completely. The system may collect information about your preferences and interests. In the event that this occurs, the information will be used exclusively for statistical purposes in order to improve the services presented on the WEBSITE. THE COMPANY will apply, to the greatest extent possible, procedures for the dissociation of information so that data subjects are unidentifiable.

The sale of the products is subject to availability, considering this, in the event that the selected product or products are out of stock or delayed, THE COMPANY will contact the USER and invite him/her to choose one of the following options: Continue to wait for the delivery of the chosen product (in case of delay); Cancellation of the purchase and refund of the amount by the original means of payment; Opt for an alternative product offered by THE COMPANY for the particular case; When the USER chooses to cancel the purchase, the amount paid will be refunded according to the means of payment chosen in due course. In the event that the USER chooses the alternative product offered by THE COMPANY, it must have the same or superior characteristics. In no case will the USER be asked to pay additional sums or to pay for the differences, unless the alternative product offered by THE COMPANY and chosen by the USER has far superior and costly characteristics to the one originally requested by the USER. Important: for the situations contemplated in this section, the USER shall have a period of ten (10) days to choose one of the aforementioned options. In the event that the USER remains silent on the matter, THE COMPANY may presume that he/she has opted for the cancellation of the purchase, and will proceed to refund the amount paid, either by the original means of payment.

In the cases mentioned in the previous point in which the USER has opted for the refund of the amount paid, he/she should bear in mind that the refund may take a few days, due to deadlines and administrative issues. In the case of refunds by bank deposit, the bank account must be in the name of the holder of the USER's account from which the transaction was made. In the event of a mismatch in ownership, the express authorisation of the USER's Account holder will be required as an essential condition prior to the deposit.

In the event that product offers and promotions are made, these shall be valid for purchases made from the date on which they begin until the date on which the offer ends. The terms and conditions of the same will be communicated on the WEBSITE, and will always be subject to the existence in stock of the products offered.

All prices expressed on the WEBSITE include VAT, unless otherwise indicated.

The prices of the products available on the WEBSITE, while appearing on the WEBSITE, will only be valid and applicable on the WEBSITE and will not necessarily be applicable to other sales channels used by THE COMPANY, such as physical stores or multi-brand stores. THE COMPANY may modify any information contained in this site, including those related to merchandise, prices, stock and conditions, at any time and without prior notice, up to the moment of receiving a purchase acceptance.

The warranty for products purchased through THE COMPANY covers manufacturing or quality defects only when they have been used for the purpose for which they were manufactured. THE COMPANY does not cover product defects due to improper use or abuse of the product, being the customer, in this case, the only responsible. Once the period established in the first paragraph of point 12 of these General Terms and Conditions has elapsed, the USER shall not be entitled to any claim whatsoever.

The USER shall have the right to return the products purchased on the WEBSITE within ten (10) calendar days from the date of delivery of the order, without any liability whatsoever. To do so, the USER must notify the COMPANY in an irrefutable manner, within the aforementioned period, and place the purchased product(s) at the USER's disposal. The products must be in the same condition in which they were received, without having been used, and with the original packaging. THE COMPANY will return to the USER all the amounts received. Likewise, if the product(s) present any manufacturing defect, have suffered breakage or damage in transit, or were wrongly dispatched, the user must contact the customer service centre within the period mentioned in the preceding paragraph, so that THE COMPANY proceeds, as appropriate, to manage the re-dispatch of the purchase, or go to withdraw the order. In case of repentance, the products must not have been used, and must be in the same condition in which they were received, with their packaging and labels. For example, and for illustrative purposes only, if the product is in plastic blister packaging, it must be opened carefully and neatly, otherwise the exchange will not be possible. For more information on this subject, please consult the contact page.

All prices on the WEBSITE are expressed in Argentine pesos, the legal currency of the Argentine Republic. The financial institution that provides the means of payment in the different countries will make the conversion according to the prevailing rules in this matter.

Payments may be made by credit card and in installments when so specified, through the platform www.plastimac.com.ar THE COMPANY may enable other options to facilitate the purchases of its customers. All means of payment are subject to the amount being duly credited and/or verified. In the event that product offers and promotions are made, these will be valid for purchases made from the date of commencement of the same, until the end of the offer. The terms and conditions of the same will be communicated on the WEBSITE, and will always be subject to the existence in stock of the products offered.

We ship all over the country and all over the world by express couriers such as DHL Express Courier. The cost and time of shipping depends on the transport company and will be purely and exclusively at the USER'S expense.

The corresponding invoice will be sent together with the product. The invoices are issued by THE COMPANY, with address at Rivadavia 2067 in the city of Rosario, Province of Santa Fe, CUIL Nº 20-23428317-01.

The USER may cancel an order, as long as it has not yet been dispatched. To do so, the USER must contact THE COMPANY within 24 hours of the purchase by sending an email to or calling (+54 9) 1127422481 If the cancellation of the purchase is total, the amount will be refunded through the payment method used to pay, or it may be left as credit for the purchase of another product. The USER acknowledges that in this case, THE COMPANY will have to make another shipment, for which reason it will have to charge the user for the costs produced by this modification.

All rights of this WEBSITE are reserved and belong to THE COMPANY. The content of this WEBSITE, including but not limited to text, logos, graphics, and all the design in general, as well as its database and software, is the property of THE COMPANY or it has the right to use it by virtue of licences granted and is protected by the national and international legislation in force on intellectual property.

The company's business name is Franco Pablo Lococo, registered office located at 2067 Rivadavia Street, Rosario, Santa Fe (2000).

These Terms and Conditions are governed without exception and in all points by the laws of the Argentine Republic, the competent jurisdiction will be the ordinary courts of the Federal Capital.